The course will adopt an international and comparative approach to women’s history in the Western World. It will encompass both methodological issues, using tools such as the biography or the category of gender, and the study of the evolution of women’s social position and of the process of their emancipation in the contemporary age. Students will be able to analyze themes and events of their interest through discussions and individual or group presentations during classes, and choose most of the texts (available also in English) for the final exam.
(reference books)
Two volumes chosen among the following ones:
Leila J. Rupp, Worlds of Women. The Making of an International Women’s Movement, Princeton University Press, Princeton 1997
Karen Offen, European Feminisms 1700-1950. A Political History, Stanford University Press, Stanford 2000
Daniela Rossini, Donne e propaganda internazionale. Percorsi femminili tra Italia e Stati Uniti nell’eta’ della Grande Guerra, FrancoAngeli, Milano 2015
Alessia Lirosi, Libere di sapere. Il diritto delle donne all’istruzione dal Cinquecento al mondo contemporaneo, Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, Roma 2015
Elda Guerra, Il dilemma della pace. Femministe e pacifiste sulla scena internazionale, 1914-1939, Viella, Roma 2014
Gisela Bock, Le donne nella storia europea, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2003
Georges Duby e Michelle Perrot, Storia delle donne in Occidente, Laterza, Roma-Bari 1992: 8 essays chosen in the two volumes about “L’Ottocento” e “Il Novecento”.
Marie Sandell, The Rise of Women’s Transnational Activism. Identity and Sisterhood Between The World Wars, I.B. Tauris, London 2015
and also the essay by Gisela Bock, “Women’s History and Gender History: Aspects of an International Debate”, in Gender and History, vol 1 N.1, Spring 1989, pp. 7-30.