Christianity and religion in modern historiography The course aims to introduce students to the main historiographical problems related to early modern and modern Christianity, debated in the last century. It’ll start from an excursus on the history of religious historiography, which would show the evolution over time of the characteristics, the purposes and methods of work of historians, both regarding use of the sources, both on the same drafting of the historical writing, both with regard to its teaching , then it’ll move on to the reconstruction of the search paths of some important scholars who have dealt with Christian religious history. We will try to give students the ability to read and interpret critically historical essays and deepen its historiographical debates, in order to provide them with methodological expertise to independently develop their own research paths, analyzing scientifically the sources and its historiography. held methodological lessons and practical exercises of research, of discussion of the historiography and of use of tools and aids. In the academic year 2016-2017 the course will be about the History of Christianity in Early Modern Age.
(reference books)
- Storici e religione nel Novecento italiano, a cura di D. MENOZZI – M. MONTACUTELLI, Brescia, Morcelliana, 2011 (Storia, 47), pp. 5-93; 109-220; 293-327; 371-417. - Cristianesimo e storia. Rapporti e percorsi, a cura di P. SINISCALCO, Roma, Studium, 2002 (Religione e società, 42), pp. 85-167. Non-attending students are asked to agree on the program with the teacher. It is recommended to those who have never supported an examination on the modern history of Christianity to provide themselves with a manual, such as the Storia del Cristianesimo, dir. E. PRINZIVALLI, IV. L'età contemporanea (secc. XIX-XXI), a cura di GIOVANNI VIAN, Roma, Carocci, 2015 (Frecce, 195) or another in different language.