Description of course The course aims to study and to translate Spanish short and journalistic essay. Guided by the teacher, students will learn techniques of the expositive and argumentative writings in Spanish and translation’s strategies.
Attendance, student work and assessment Attendance, although not compulsory, is strongly recommended. It supports students to personal study. For attending students: 1) Active attendance and coursework (20%); 2) Written exam (30%); 3) Oral exam (50%). For non attending students: 1) Non-attendant students have to contact the teacher at least two months before the final exam in order to accord program’s integration and written essay; 2) Written essay; 3) Oral exam conform with integrations previously accorded in point 1) e 2).
Notes All students are exhorted to consult website of Dr. Elena Marcello (http://lingueletteratureculturestraniere.uniroma3.it/bacheca/emarcello/), where they will found updaten information about class, programs and teaching material. They will read and comment on texts during the lessons, so it’s essential for the students to get them in time.
(reference books)
1) Textbooks and critical essays Montolío, Estrella, Manual de escritura académica y profesional, I. Estrategias gramaticales, II. Estrategias discursivas, Barcelona, Ariel, 2014. Arenas Cruz, María Elena, Hacia una teoría general del ensayo: construcción del texto ensayístico, Cuenca, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, 1997. Other bibliographical references will be provided during the course. 2) Texts Selection of texts (download from teacher’s website) for practice exercises and translation during the course. Ortega y Gasset, José, Meditación de Europa y otros ensayos, Madrid, Alianza Editorial, 2015. Salinas, Pedro, El defensor, Madrid, Alianza Editorial, 2002. Savater, Fernando, Ética para Amador, Barcelona, Ariel, 2008. Marías, Javier, Juro no decir nunca la verdad, Barcelona, Alfaguara, 2015. Vargas Llosa, Mario, Sables y utopías: visiones de América latina, Madrid, Punto de lectura, 2011. 3) Dictionaries Diccionario de la Real Academia Española, Madrid, RAE, 2014 (23ª ed.) Seco, Manuel; Ramos, Gabino; Andrés, Olimpia, Diccionario del Español Actual, Madrid, Santillana, 2006. Diccionario CLAVE, Madrid, SM, 2006. Diccionario de americanismos, Madrid, Santillana, 2010.
Additional mandatory material will be provided for students who have failed their final tests and for non attending students.