Italian Renaissance literature. Love treatises between two centuries: from Ficino to Bembo. The course intends to examine in depth the themes at the center of the interest of amorous treatise between the last years of the fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries, which saw the publication of the Commentarium in Convivium Platonis de Amore (1484) by Ficino and the composition and publication of the Asolani di Bembo (1497-1505). A comparison between the two texts and a close analysis of the latter and its stylistic, formal and philosophical assumptions will be proposed.
(reference books)
- P. Bembo, Gli Asolani, (sarà reso disponibile on line il testo secondo l’edizione Dilemmi). - C. Dionisotti, Introduzione, in P. Bembo, Prose e rime, Torino, UTET, 1960, pp. 9-60. - L. Marcozzi, Pietro Bembo, Firenze, Cesati, 2016. - C. Berra, La scrittura degli ‘Asolani’, Firenze, La Nuova Italia, 1996. - S. Gentile, “Commentarium in Convivium de amore / El libro dell’Amore” di Marsilio Ficino, in Letteratura italiana. Le opere, I, Dalle Origini al Cinquecento, Einaudi, Torino 1992, pp. 743-767.