The texts studied deal with the following themes: 1) Narration et éducation 2) Le sens de la Francophonie 3) Être citoyen de l’Europe Students need at least an elementary level in French (A2) to attend the course (most of the lectures are held in French) and to access the examination. It is strongly recommended that they have already passed the French exams of the Laurea Triennale and/or that they proceed with a systematic review of the grammatical and linguistic topics in which they have gaps (with the help of CLA www.cla.uniroma3.it, if necessary). You can use the following websites in order to check and improve your knowledge of the French language: Français facile [http://www.francaisfacile.com] (exercises, explanations, etc.); Le Point du FLE [http://www.lepointdufle.net] (exercises, explanations, songs, audio files, vidéos, etc.; Lexilogos [http://www.lexilogos.com] (French-Italian and Italian- French Dictionaries; etc.); Le conjugueur [http://www.leconjugueur.com] (for resolving all problems of French Verbs Conjugation) Littérature audio [http://www.litteratureaudio.com] (for listening online a lot of French texts and novels; for training oral understanding and pronunciation in French). Exercises, trainings and communication on Departmental digital platform http://formonline.uniroma3.it/
(reference books)
Reference texts and websites for attending and non-attending students: 1) For the study and the practise of the grammar: any high school handbook can be used to revise the grammar topics. The websites indicated below can be use for the exercises. 2) Material for thematic studies will be indicated online or provided in digital form by the teacher. It will be available on the professor's notice board or in the “formonline” system. Students will print by themselves what is needed. A good Italian/French bilingual and/or monolingual dictionary is required (little pocket-sized dictionaries are not acceptable). Mp3 players or smart phones will be useful for listening to the podcasts recommended in order to practise one's listening skills. Moreover, a computer and Internet access are needed for research and group work.