The course, held in the first half, suggests a survey of issues and problems related to the complexity of contemporary globalization from the perspective of critical anthropology. In addition to the basics of anthropological debate, we will be explored in detail the realities of the transformations of urban reality, the complex reality of transnational migration, and the issue of new trends associated with family and kinship.
(reference books)
Reference Text:
A curriculum chosen from those suggested below:
Urban Anthropology
Pompeo F., Introduzione. Roma: politiche e (non) poetiche della periferia eterna. Panorami etnografici, in F. Pompeo, a cura, Paesaggi dell’esclusione. Politiche degli spazi, re-indigenizzazione e altre malattie del territorio romano, UTET, Milano. pp. IX-XLIII; Bourgois P., Cercando rispetto. Drug economy e cultura di strada, Derive Approdi, 2005;
Transational migrations
Cingolani, P., 2005, “Bibliografia ragionata”, in FIERI, Camera di Commercio di Torino, Imprenditori stranieri nella provincia di Torino, pp. 183-217; http://www.integrazionemigranti.gov.it/archiviodocumenti/lavoro/Documents/Imprenditori%20stranieri%20provincia%20di%20Torino_FIERI_2005_IT.pdf Portes, A., 1997, Globalization from Below: The Rise of Transnational Communities, Working Paper, Princeton University; http://www.transcomm.ox.ac.uk/working%20papers/portes.pdf Rivista Antropologia (online), N° 15 (2013) Migrazioni e Asilo Politico, http://www.ledijournals.com/ojs/index.php/antropologia/issue/view/20
Family and Kinship
Sahlins M., La parentela: cos’è e cosa non è, Milano, Elèuthera; Rivista ANUAC (online) Vol 4, N.2, 2015 Sahlins, Kinship, to be and not to be (articoli in italiano) http://ojs.unica.it/index.php/anuac/issue/view/58