Power, right, politics, law: a sociological introduction Is politics synonim of power? Is law synonim of right? If not, why can happen or can be understood something like that? By means of some recent sociological schools, and not dismissing lessons of classics as Max Weber, one can try to deal with these theree questions. In other words: a sociological critique of State and State's ideology is going to be showed and discussed.
(reference books)
Luhmann N., I diritti fondamentali come istituzione, Dedalo. Diotallevi l., Modernità, Stato, secolarizzazione, Rubbettino, Soveria Mannelli 2014.
Personalized programs are admitted, but negotiated with the professor and adequately motivated.
Other readings: Cassese S., Lo stato introvabile. Modernità e arretratezza delle istituzioni italiane, Donzelli; Weber M., Economia e società (voll. I, III, IV); Luhmann N., Potere e complessità sociale, il Saggiatore.