To deal with the main problems of Social Medicine, also with reference to the principles of the Preventive and Rehabilitative Medicine.
- The scope and the definition of Social Medicine; - Public Health and the Health care-organization; - The concept of health; - Health protection: the section 32 of Italian Constitution; - Environment life style, nutrition and health - The concept of disease; - Social disease - Mental disease. Insanity. Social dangerousness; - The hospitalization and the commitment; - Judicial psychiatric hospitals, Therapeutic Communities and Drug rehabilitation centers, REMS; - The doctor-patient relationship -- the anamnesis -- the clinical interview -- the medical examination -- the informed consent - Drugs and alcohol: social and medical problems; - New Addiction Disorders: affective addiction, sex addiction, work addiction, Internet addiction, compulsive buying disorder, gambling addiction - Social impact HIV: AIDS and risk behavior - The Legal Medicine, the social security and the protection of the disability; - Responsible motherhood and abortion: the therapeutic abortion and the criminal abortion; - Social security and protection of the disabled: incapacitation, disqualification, support administration - Occupational diseases and Occupational Medicine; - Causal connection in occupational diseases; - Psychosocial risk factors: the stress; - Work-related stress and Burn Out; - Mobbing and biological damage; - Occupational safety and health - Senescence: social aspects - Social medicine and the road accident rate
(reference books)
Eudes Lanciotti, "Igiene - Medicina sociale e di comunità", McGraw-Hill Only the following chapters: 1, 2, 11, 12, 13.
It is also requested to study the lecture notes and the slides available at http://epc.uniroma3.it/BachecaDocente.aspx?code=601186