Formative Targets The course aims to stimulate thought and acquire skills through -handy theoretical methodologies, on the professional documentation tool and technical writing in the Social Service. To have of specific skills in that the professional documentation tool is one of the essential tools that a professional future, through the training, should be able to put in “professional tools tape”. Professional documentation as well as a fundamental instrument of social work and even a duty of public administration, special care will be placed in the teaching of writing mode of the Judicial Authority and acts directed study of the decrees which are issued by it. This specific subject is strictly related to the Professional Internship Workshop and teaching of professional tools.
Topics Lessons will deal with the following topics:
1. Distinction between documents and documentation; 2. Professional documentation: type and finalizing documentation produced and documentation and informative, internal and external documentation, etc.; 3. social folder; 4. Diary of the case; 5. Recordings of interviews and home visits, and extracts from the minutes of meetings to decisions relating to the case; 6. Life Stories; 7. Social relations and documentation output (collaborations requests, requests financial contributions, assistance housing that, updates, etc.); 8. Judicial Authority decrees.
Course Phases and Scheduling
The course will be structured in 36 hours equivalent to 3 CFU. The classes will be held from March to May; they will be divided into lectures and practical parts, during which students will experience virtually with professional documentation tool.
Laura Bini, Documentazione e servizio sociale – Manuale di scrittura per gli operatori, Carocci Faber, 2009
Marina Riccucci, Scrivere per il servizio sociale, - Guida alla stesura della documentazione, Carocci Faber, 2009.
(reference books)
Laura Bini, Documentazione e servizio sociale – Manuale di scrittura per gli operatori, Carocci Faber, 2009
Marina Riccucci, Scrivere per il servizio sociale, - Guida alla stesura della documentazione, Carocci Faber, 2009.