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20709998 ETICA DELLA COMUNICAZIONE SPECIALISTICO in Information , publishing, Journalism LM-19 DE CARO MARIO
Philosophical discussions regarding ethics, with a particular reference to neuroethics and the free will issue, and to the ways in which these issues should be communicated to the general public.
(reference books)
1. M. De Caro, Libero arbitrio. Un’introduzione, Laterza, 2004/2011 2. M. De Caro – A. Lavazza – G. Sartori (a cura di), Quando siamo responsabili?, Codice, 2013 3. A. Massarenti (a cura di), Stramaledettamente logico. Esercizi di filosofia su pellicola, Laterza, 2009 4. E. Terrone, Filosofia del film, Bompiani, 2014
N.B. The students who will attend the course AND pass the final exam (which will include three short papers on three movies that will be discussed in class) will NOT have to study Terrone's book.