General aspects. Freudian theory of the unconscious. primary process and secondary process. Logic and biologic. Dreams, lips, symptoms and wits.. The Cognitive Unconscious.
Specific aspects. Unconscious process and process of artistic creation. Analogy and differences. Humor as tertiary process. The freudian concept of historical true. judaism and Christianity in the sought prof Sigmund Freud. Antisemitism and Racism in the sough of Sigmund Freud. Psychoanalytic exploration in art and literature. Psychoanalytic exploration in Religious experience.
(reference books)
Freud Sigmund. Il perturbante. In Opere Sigmund Freud. Vol V, pp 1-2011. Torino: Boringhieri, 1979. Freud Sigmund, L’umorismo. In Opere. Vol. X, pp. 499-508. Torino: Boringhieri, 1978. Freud Sigmund, Il motto di spirito e la sua relazione con l’inconscio. Torino: Boringhieri, 1980. Bonaventura Enzo, La psicoanalisi, Venezia, Marsilio, 2016. Approfondimento critico. Meghnagi David, Jewish humor on Psychoanalysis, International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 1989. Meghnagi David. From the Dream of a generation to the theory of dreams: Freud’s Roman dreams. Int. Journal of Psychoanalysis (2011) 92: 675-695. Meghnagi David, Interpretare Freud, Marsilio, 2003.