1. Introduction to the publishing and marketing process
2. Publishing and Book industry in Italy Publishing industry: structure composition Rules and structure of the sector Value chain 3. 3. Marketing segmentation and purchase behavior of readers 4. Main segmentation variables 5. Macro and micro segmentation process 6. Market of potential readers 7. Market of real readers 8. 4. The strategic process of marketing oriented publishing industries 9. Goals and strategies of the publishing company Marketing Goals and strategies 5. Product Product decisions policies Types of products Cover, title and brand 6. Distribution Structure and evolution of distribution channels Bookshop marketing 7. Marketing Communication 8. Sales promotion 9. Advertising 10.Press office
(reference books)
Dispense disponibili sulla bacheca on line del docente dopo ogni lezione P.Dubini “Voltare pagina?: le trasformazioni del libro e dell'editoria”,Pearsons 2013 P.S. Cavalli “Il marketing librario”, Editrice Bibliografica, 1999 - Il prodotto pag 65-76 - La confezione pag 77- 92 - La comunicazione pag 101 – 114 - L’organizzazione commerciale pag 115-128