Learning Outcomes
Within the framework of the Dublin Descriptors (http://www.quadrodeititoli.it/descrittori.aspx?descr=172&IDL=2), the Course has the following objectives:
The Advanced Marketing Course aims at transferring the knowledge of Digital Marketing and its basic features. Therefore, its main learning outcomes are:
Contributing to build a cultural vision of IT Understanding technological, economic and social reasons of the development of digital marketing and related issues Full understanding of the relationship between digital marketing and value Knowledge of digital marketing planning and implementation by organizations Knowledge of communication management in digital marketing and its evaluation tools Ability to frame digital marketing knowledge as to concepts such content, usability, user centered design, user experience design, interaction design
Course topics will be dealt with constant reference to the publishing and information industry.
Ability to correlate among them and with other disciplinary approaches the marketing, strategy and communication knowledge acquired during the Course
Strengthening of linguistic competence (general and sectoral) both in Italian and English (acquisition and pertinent use of technical terminology, improvement in oral and written communication)
Ability to draw and develop the essential aspects of digital marketing and communication plans
Soft skills
Awareness of the complexity of digital technosphere and of its evolutionary trends Capacity of a critical and original approach in setting and solving new problems with an interdisciplinary approach Capacity to take one’s own resposibilities within the framework of a set of shared rules and of a learning community Active and inclusive listening Sharing and discussion of opinions Critical and original approach to problem setting and solving Learning from the experience of other people Digital information organization and management Clarity in oral and written communication.
Marketing as a social process: from orientation to production to digital marketing The (social) media system and its impact on the marketing changes Web 2.0 and devices A new concept for content: The Content Challenge Web usability and the user centered design User experience design Planning in digital marketing Evaluation of results Customisation, personalisation and user profiling Promotion and communication: SEO, SEM and digital PR Word of mouth and social media as to the network theory Co-creation collaborative platforms: hitRECord and Wattpad New forms of content: le infographics On- and offline integration: QR and geolocalisation Marketing 3.0 according to Philip Kotler.
(reference books)
Materiale didattico Paola Peretti, Marketing digitale, Apogeo 2011 Techno-Z FH Forschung & Entwicklung GmbH, The Content Challenge.Electronic Publishing and the New Content Industries, Report to the European Commission DG XIII/E, Salzburg, 1997 Craig Mod, Reinventare la copertina. Dal libro all’ebook, Apogeo 2012 Dispense didattiche predisposte dalla docente (per frequentanti e non frequentanti) Materiali illustrati in aula (per i soli frequentanti), che verranno distribuiti a fine corso via mail Sono previste due testimonianze in aula di professionisti/manager del marketing digitale.
Avvertenza - Gli studenti non frequentanti debbono contattare la docente all'indirizzo mail sabina.addamiano@gmail.com, al fine di rendere nota la loro condizione alla docente e di concordare un programma specifico.