A remark on the history of journalism and journalists. The kind of written journalism, broadcasting and on line, and their interactions. Making information in real time: from "GRANDI FIRME" to social media and to partecipative journalism. The kinds of journalism, from report to investigation: what they were and how they are changed. How born and how die a news in the age of spectacularization. How the italian journalism is changed, and how the role of the journalists is changed, from years seventy of the nine hundred to today. Questions about the future of information.
(reference books)
Alessandro Barbano e Vincenzo Sassu, Manuale di giornalismo, Laterza
Franco Contorbia, Giornalismo italiano, volume quarto, 1968 – 2001, Meridiani Mondadori
Daniele Bagnoli, La cronaca nera, i perché della sua spettacolarizzazione, Il temperino rosso (in versione ebook in tutti i canali di vendita on line).