Outlines of the history of the Church in the contemporary age (XIX-XX centuries)
In this year the course will provide the basic outlines of the Church history’s principal events and problematic nodes in the modern age, in particular from the French revolution to the renewal begun by the second Vatican Council, studied in parallelism with the other Christian religious confessions. It will pay particular attention to methodological aspects, privileging the documents’ reading and making use of the maps, graphics and iconographic sources. It will pay particular attention to the historiography’s principal debates, the discussed subjects’ contextualization, the discipline’s technical language, the interactions between the religious institutions and the society and the culture.
(reference books)
- Dossier di fonti fornito dal docente - Storia del Cristianesimo, dir. E. PRINZIVALLI, IV. L'età contemporanea (secc. XIX-XXI), a cura di GIOVANNI VIAN, Roma, Carocci, 2015 (Frecce, 195),