Derived from
Fundamentals of History of the Tradition and Criticism of the Text. The course aims to provide students with a reasonable command of that science and that discipline once called the history of tradition and criticism of the text, through their theoretical understanding, their practical assimilation and their final application to an agile sampling of Greek texts, chosen among those on which philological science has so far little exercised itself, whose constitutio textus is still at a pioneering level and whose discussion, therefore, is still open and able to amaze and perhaps even amuse those who dedicate themselves to it. All this, with the aim of introducing the students from the beginning of their curriculum not only to a historical perspective and a critical vision in their relationship with the texts, but also to a disposition to intellectual research that is free and unprejudiced, ultimately to a method - the philological method -, which is considered valid for the exploration of the whole reality. After a presentation of the subject and meaning of the monographic course, and an introduction to the historical and philosophical roots of the philological discipline in the modern age, the course will provide the main stages of the theorization of philology as a method, from Richard Bentley to Karl Lachmann up to Giorgio Pasquali and Paul Maas. Students will be introduced to the reading of manuscripts and to the understanding of material techniques, inner procedures and types of errors of their copyists. We will examine the developments of "external criticism" and of the history of codices, and the application of codicology to the history of the manuscript tradition. It will be shown through what vicissitudes the manuscripts of ancient authors have reached us we will therefore address, albeit briefly, the general mechanisms that determine the passing on of texts from the ancient world to the modern one due to the Byzantine scholarship. The second purpose of the course is less technical and more general in form. The need to initiate or better train students who have just come from secondary school to a good and wide capacity to receive non-fiction literature, to expand their ancient culture, to extend their methodological horizons beyond the initial explorations, which led them to the choice of their course of study, will lead, during the lessons, to identify together with them nuclei of readings of great classics of studies on the ancient world, which will be personalized by the teacher based on direct listening to the individual experiences of attending students and interaction with them. The confrontation with the elements of their scholastic and personal education will allow to better understand attitudes and personal interests and to suggest the most suitable reading paths for each one. The indicated readings can be both studied for the exam and conducted with more ease, regardless of deadlines, as a form of enrichment and discipline in view of a more punctual and conscious ability to write the three-year thesis.
(reference books)
A) Mandatory texts - P. Maas, Critica del testo, trad. it., Firenze, Le Monnier, 1984 - U. von Wilamowitz-Möllendorf, Storia della filologia classica, trad. it., Torino, Einaudi, 1997 B) Additional texts - Giorgio Pasquali, Storia della tradizione e critica del testo, Firenze, Le Lettere, 1988 - G. Pasquali, Le «leggi» della filologia, in Id., Filologia e storia, Mondadori Education (Bibliotechina del Saggiatore), Milano 1998 - H. F. Fränkel, Testo critico e critica del testo, Firenze, Le Monnier, 1983 - S. Timpanaro, La genesi del metodo del Lachmann, Torino, UTET, 2004 - L. D. Reynolds - N.G. Wilson, Copisti e filologi. La tradizione dei classici dall'antichità ai tempi moderni, trad. it. Padova, Antenore, 1987 - Nigel Wilson, Filologi bizantini, trad. it., Napoli, Morano, 1990 - G. Cavallo (a c. di), Libri, editori e pubblico nel mondo antico, Roma-Bari, Laterza 1975 - G. Cavallo (a c. di), Libri e lettori nel mondo bizantino, Roma-Bari, Laterza 1982 - G. Cavallo (a c. di), Le biblioteche nel mondo antico e medievale, Roma-Bari, Editori Laterza 1988 - L. Canfora, Le collezioni superstiti, in: Lo spazio letterario della Grecia antica, II. La ricezione e l’attualizzazione del testo, Roma, Salerno editrice 1995, pp. 95-250 - L. Canfora, La biblioteca scomparsa, Palermo, Sellerio, 1986 - L. Canfora, Il copista come autore, Palermo (Sellerio) 2002 - R. Tosi, Studi sulla tradizione indiretta dei classici greci, Bologna (CLUEB) 1988, Introduzione,pp. 31-57 - A. Stussi, Fondamenti di critica testuale, Bologna, Il Mulino 2006 (seconda ed.) - Fabio Stok, I classici dal papiro a internet, Roma, Carocci 2012 - Marina Scialuga, Introduzione allo studio della filologia classica, Alessandria, Edizioni Dell'Orso, 2003 - Martin Litchfield West, Critica del testo e tecnica dell'edizione, trad. it, Palermo, L'Epos, 1991, (ed. or. Textual Criticism and Editorial Technique Applicable to Greek and Latin Texts, Stuttgart, Teubner, 1973), C) Texts in foreign languages - J.E. Sandys, A History of Classical Scholarship, third edition, Cambridge 1921 [testo online: Pdf:] A. Dain, Les manuscrits, Paris 1964 Jacqueline de Romilly “Le Trésor des savoirs oubliés”, Faillois Stuart Gillespie, “The Poets on the Classics. An Anthology”, Routlege D) Optional readings Claude Lévi-Strauss, “Leggere, guardare, ascoltare”, Il Saggiatore Wilhelm Nestle, “Storia della religiosità greca”, La Nuova Italia Friedrich Nietzsche, “La nascita della tragedia” Adelphi Giorgio Colli, “La nascita della filosofia” Adelphi Giorgio Colli, “Per una enciclopedia di autori classici” Adephi Eric Auerbach, “Mimesis”, I-II, Einaudi Eric R. Dodds, “I greci e l’irrazionale”, La Nuova Italia Erwin Rohde “Psiche”, I-II, Laterza Walter Otto, “Gli dèi della Grecia”, La Nuova Italia Werner Jaeger, “La teologia dei primi pensatori greci”, La Nuova Italia Werner Jaeger, “Paideia. La formazione dell’uomo greco”, vol. I, La Nuova Italia Bruno Snell, “La cultura greca e le origini del pensiero europeo”, Einaudi Arnold J. Toynbee, “Il mondo ellenico”, Einaudi Arnold J.Toynbee, “Storia e religione. Alle radici delle civiltà”, Rizzoli Peter Brown, “Il mondo tardo antico”, Einaudi Peter Brown, “Per la cruna di un ago. La ricchezza, la caduta di Roma e lo sviluppo del cristianesimo, 350-550 d.C.”, Einaudi Jean-Pierre Vernant, “Mito e pensiero presso i greci” Einaudi Jean-Pierre Vernant, “Mito e tragedia nell’antica Grecia” Einaudi Jean-Pierre Vernant – Aldo Schiavone, “Ai confini della storia”, Einaudi Heinrich Lausberg, “Elementi di retorica” Il Mulino Roland Barthes, “La retorica antica”, Bompiani