Basciani Alberto
Teaching Activity
October 5, 2016 - December 21, 2016
The Balkans and the rise of nationalism; The Ottoman decadence and the process of nation building and state building; From "Risorgimento" to imperialism: the foreign policy of the Balkan States; The Balkan Wars and the First World War; Society, economy and culture in the interwar years; the authoritarian regimes; the Second World War; the sovietization of the Southeastern Europe and the hellenic exception; A new world? 50 years of real socialism; the yugoslavian case; crisis and fall of the communism; the collapse of Yugoslavia; between integration and the periphery of Europe.
(reference books)
For attending students:
1) Alberto Basciani, L'illusione della modernità. Il Sud-est dell'Europa tra le due guerre mondiali, Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2016
2) Ben Fowekes, L'Europa orientale dal 1945 al 1970, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2004 3) Bulent Gokay, L'Europa orientale dal 1970 a oggi, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2005
For non-attending students:
Andrew Baruch Wachtel, Storia dei Balcani, Besa, Nardò, 2016.