After discussing periodization, the course will focus on the themes and problems that characterise the historical developments of Latin America from its discovery to the new millennium. In particular, the course will cover: Indigenous Americas; Europe, Spain and Portugal at the dawn of the 16th century; Discovery and conquest; Colonies – administrative, economic, social and religious structures; The 1700 and Borbonic reformism; Indipendence process and birth of Latin American republics; the Brasilian exception; the epoch of Caudillos and the Latin American liberalism; the neocolonial pact; English and American imperialsim; European migration; the construction fo national identities; social and political movements; the Mexican revolution; the tensions of modernizations; populism and desarrollismo; revolutionary and counterevolutionary tensions of the Sixities; the Neoliberal model; the military dictatorships; the political transitions and the process of regional integration.
FURTHER INFORMATION Students who don’t plan to attend the course and those who will be attending on an irregular basis are strongly encouraged to meet the course leader during office hours at the beginning of the course. To arrange a meeting outside of office hours please send an email to the course leader. The meeting is needed in order to obtain more detailed information on what to study and to obtain information about the oral examination.
(reference books)
The suggested readings are: - Marcello Carmagnani, L'altro Occidente. L'America Latina dall'invasione europea al nuovo millennio, Torino, Einaudi, 2003 - Daniele Pompeiano, Storia dell’America Latina, Milano, Bruno Mondadori, 2012; - Loris Zanatta, Storia Dell’ America Latina Contemporanea, Laterza, Roma-Bari, 2010. Others documents available in the professor web-site.
Italian student interested in studying on an English textbook and Erasmus students can use:
- B. Keen – K. Haynes, A History of Latin America, Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston -New York, 2009; - C. Malamud, Historia de América, Alianza Editorial, Madrid, 2007.
Two to be chosen from: Benedetta Calandra, La Guerra Fredda Culturale. Esportazione e ricezione Dell’ American Way Of Life In America Latina, Ombre Corte, 2011; - Massimo De Giuseppe, La rivoluzione messicana, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2013; - Massimo Falfari, Dove scorre il passato. Una storia del Centro America, Il Cerchio, 2002 - Gian Luca Gardini, L’America Latina Nel XXI secolo, Roma, Carocci, 2009: - Luigi Guarnieri Calò Carducci, Idolatria e identità creola in Perù. Le cronache andine tra Cinqucento e Seicento, Viella, Roma 2007. - Laura Giraudo, La Questione Indigena in America Latina, Roma, Carocci, 2009; - Raffaele Nocera-Angelo Trento, America Latina, un secolo di storia, Roma, Carocci, 2013; - Marzia Rosti, Argentina, Roma, Mulino, 2011; - Maria R. Stabili, Le Verità Ufficiali. Transizioni Politiche e Diritti umani in America Latina, Roma, Nuova Cultura, 2008; - Chiara Vangelista , Confini e Frontiere. Conflitti e alleanze inter-etniche in America meridionale, San Lazzaro di Savena (Bo), Il Segnalibro, 2001; - Loris Zanatta, Il Peronismo, Roma, Carocci, 2008.