Unipolar Devices. The metal-semiconductor barrier. The Schottky diode. Work function and electron affinity. I-V characteristic. Ohmic contact. Surface charge and the Debye length. M-S Junction electrostatics. Thermionic current. Drift-diffusion current. Barrier lowering: Schottky effect. Non-uniform doping. - JFET and MESFET. Channel resistance. Input characteristics: IDS vs VGS. Trans-characteristic. Trans-conductance, Channel conductance. The JFET as a signal amplifier. Dynamic behavior. Small signal model. Frequency behavior and fT. - Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor structures. The MIS diode. MOS system capacitance. Interface states. - MOSFET: gradual channel approssimation. NMOS, PMOS and CMOS. Depletion and enrichment devices. Subthreshold current. Geometric effects. Scaling laws. - Ramo Theorem. Photoconductivity. Photoresistors. Photoconductive gain. - The pn junction in the light. The pin and avalanche photodiode. Spectral response. - Electroluminescence. Radiative and non-radiative transitions. Luminescence efficiency. Device architectures. LED for IR and UV-VIS.
(reference books)
D.A. Neamen - Semiconductor Physics and Devices, 3rd Ed., McGraw-Hill, 2003. R.S Muller, T.I. Kamins - Device Electronics for Integrated Circuits, 3rd Ed., John Wiley, 2009