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20801912 METAMATERIALS in Communication and information technology engineering LM-27 N0 VEGNI LUCIO
Theory and applications of Metamaterials 1. General concepts on Metamaterials (hystorical notes; metamaterial parameters and electromagnetic energy in reciprocal composite media; symmetry properties and tensor description of complex media; differentiali forms and electromagnetic materials). 2. Modelling of Metamaterials (governing equations describing electromagnetic behaviour of materials; the Method of Moments for artificial materials; numerical methods for periodic structures; mixing rules). 3. Nanostructured Metamaterials (risonances in permittivity and permeability; Lorentz model for dielectrics; Drude model for metals; Debye model for dielectric fluids; examples of metamaterial geometries; artificial dielectrics, wire media, artificial bi-anisotropic media 4. European Projects on nanostructured Metamaterials (MAGNONICS, METACHEM, NANOGOLD, NIM_NIL). 5. Applications of Metamaterials (biosensors, superlens, cloaking, tags to store and process information. Meta-circuits and meta-antennas at microwave, millimeter, TeraHertz and optical frequencies). 6. Manufacturing technologies of Metamaterials at TeraHertz and optical frequencies. 7. Meta-component design at student’s free choice.
(reference books)
➢ References [1] Weng Cho Chew, Waves and fields in inhomogeneous media, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 1990. [2] The Handbook of nanotechnology, Nanometer structures, Akhlesh Lakhtakia, Editor, SPIE – The International Society for Optical Engineering, 2004 [3] Akhlesh Lakhtakia, Russel Messier, Sculptured thin films, SPIE – The International Society for Optical Engineering, 2005