21002000 |
Type of certificate
Profit certificate
The course will develop the themes of urban and territorial transformations that affected Italy since 1900, the renewal of the purposes and forms of the instruments of government land, the current trends and design issues that permeate the search for greater quality settlements and urban sustainability.
21002000-2 |
Type of certificate
Profit certificate
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Type of Activity
Related or supplementary learning activities
Group: 1
The course aims to investigate the evolution of human settlements and cultural landscapes focusing on interplay between urbanization and urban setting along the centuries, on the backdrop of local and long-range economies, of the intelligence of institutions, of the climate of opinion. The major focus will obviously be the city, the place par excellence for the exchange of goods, services and ideas, but also a real battleground between individual freedom and collective responsibility, between space and society. Thus, modern town planning since the industrial revolution is called upon to shape the built environment integrating new requirements and opportunities challenging an ever larger condition of citizenship.
(reference books)
E. Sereni, Storia del paesaggio agrario italiano, Laterza 1963. L. Benevolo, Le origini dell’urbanistica moderna, Laterza 1963. A. Rossi, L’architettura della città, Marsilio 1964. C. Aymonino, Origini e sviluppo della città moderna, Marsilio 1965. F. Choay, La città. Utopie e realtà, Seuil 1965. L. Gambi, Una geografia per la storia, Einaudi 1973. G. Piccinato, La costruzione dell’urbanistica 1871-1914, Officina 1978. C. Sitte, L’arte di costruire la Città. L’urbanistica secondo i suoi fondamenti artistici, Jaca Book 1990. L. Benevolo, La cattura dell’infinito, Laterza 1991. O. Bohigas, Ricostruire Barcellona, EtasLibri 1992. L. Mazza, Trasformazioni del piano, Franco Angeli 1994. M. Berengo, L’Europa delle città, Einaudi 1999. J. Rykwert, La seduzione del luogo. Storia e futuro della città, Einaudi 2000. A.L. Palazzo, L. Giecillo, Territori dell’urbano. Storie e linguaggi dello spazio comune, Quodlibet 2009. S. Ciranna, G. Doti, M.L. Neri, Architettura e città nell’Ottocento. Percorsi e protagonisti di una storia europea, Nis 2011.
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From 01/10/2016 to 20/12/2016 |
Delivery mode
Evaluation methods
Oral exam
A project evaluation
Group: 2
Coppola Alessandro Gianni
Course goals The course offers students a basic set of critical tools aimed at understanding the social mandate of urban planning in relation to the essential dimensions of the history of the discipline since its origins, its evolution in the context of the international scientific debate, the evolution of the social demand and of the regulatory rameworks and tools in the context of contemporary Italy. These objectives will be achieved through a program of lectures and group exercises organized into five thematic modules:
● A. The industrial city: problems, models and urban utopias (10-25 / 10). The module provides a critical introduction to the forms taken by urbanization during the process of industrialization and the emergence and development of urban planning between the nineteenth and twentieth century referring, in particular, to the utopian representations of the urban future (among others: Fourier, Saint Simon, Cabet) and the first ideal types of intervention (among others: garden city, linear city, functionalist cities) and international experiences of general planning (among others: Amsterdam Plans, London, Greater New York). ● B. History, policies and tools: social and territorial transformation, social demand and evolution of the in Republican policies (07-21 / 11). The module offers an introduction to the impressive social and territorial transformations that affected Italy during the Republican era - among others: internal migration, urbanization, permanence and redefinition of North-South dualism, restructuring of rural areas, metropolisation - structuring and mobilization of social demand in urban areas - among others: urban movements, new demand for live, individualistic mobilization - and finally the evolution of the territorial government policies and planning regulations. ● C. Planning Theories: problems, approaches and contemporary debates (22/11 - 06/12). The module provides a critical introduction to the main themes of the contemporary international scientific debate on the theory of planning - among others: control, equity, power, participation - and the evolution of social mandate and identity and the professional urban planner planner. ● D. The machine of the general plan: debates, actors and tools of the Piano Regolatore Generale (12/12/16 - 09/01/17). The module provides an introduction to the General Plan and its evolution with particular reference to the case in Rome which will examine the plan in place through the presentation of the debate which preceded it, the actors involved in its conception and implementation, the themes and basic tools, challenges and status of its implementation. ● E. The production of the public city: concepts, dilemmas and address problems of urban standards (10/01 - 01/24/2017). The module provides an introduction to fundamental disciplinary themes such as the relationship between urban planning and spatial justice, methods of production of community facilities such as concrete supports of the exercise of urban citizenship and the construction of "public city" through the analysis the institution's treatment of urban standards under the second Piano per l’Edilizia Economica e Popolare (Peep) approved by the city of Rome in 1985.
(reference books)
P. Gabellini (2001), Tecniche urbanistiche, Carocci editore, Roma A. Lanzani e G. Pasqui (2011), Italia al futuro. Città e paesaggi, economie e società, Franco Angeli, Milano J. Rykwert (2008), La seduzione del luogo. Storia e futuro delle città, Einaudi, Torino
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From 01/10/2016 to 20/12/2016 |
Delivery mode
Evaluation methods
Oral exam
21002000-3 |
Type of certificate
Profit certificate
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Type of Activity
Related or supplementary learning activities
The course will develop the themes of urban and territorial transformations that affected Italy since 1900, the renewal of the purposes and forms of the instruments of government land, the current trends and design issues that permeate the search for greater quality settlements and urban sustainability.
21002000-1 |
Type of certificate
Profit certificate
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Type of Activity
Core compulsory activities
Group: 1
Settlement, Environment and Landscape
The SEL course, lasting one year, will jointly three components - Settlement, Environment and Landscape - considering their inseparable complementarity for the management of the reality around us. It will be a unitary course, led by lecturers who will perform the different parts of a common path.
The historic component, carried out in the first semester, will face the phenomenon "City" over time, and its manifold representations such as maps, charts, plans. Students will be introduced to the GIS data coverage model of QGIS and several sample applications.
The landscape training will introduce students to the meaning of landscape, focusing on its constitutive parts and proposing exercises on landscape reading, interpretation and representation. It will introduce the fundamental elements of open space design, with particular reference to the treatment of the soil, grading, to the role of vegetation, to the relations with buildings, urban realm and public space.
The urban planning component – in the first semester - will introduce students to the social, environmental and urban issues characterizing Italy since 1945 until today, explaining the mutations occurred in the settlements and infrastructural networks, in the administrative systems, in the matrixes and objectives of the urban planning tools, with particular reference to the seeking of sustainability. In the second semester, the urban planning component will deal with the European contemporary issues of the urban management, offering as a practical assignment a detailed reading and interpretation applied to an area of Rome.
(reference books)
Bibliography: Historic component
- L. Benevolo, Le origini dell’urbanistica moderna, Laterza 1963. - A.L. Palazzo, L. Giecillo, Territori dell’urbano. Storie e linguaggi dello spazio comune, Quodlibet 2009.
Bibliography: Landscape component
−Alvarez, D., El jardin de la arquitectura del siglo XX, Editorial Reverte, Barcelona (2008). − Belfiore, E., Il verde e la città. Idee e progetti dal Settecento ad oggi, Gangemi Editore, Roma (2005). − Colafranceschi, D., Landscape+100 words to inhabit it. Editorial Gustavo Gili, S.A., Barcellona (2007). − Corrado, M. e Lambertini, A., Atlante delle nature urbane. Centouno voci per i paesaggi quotidiani, Editrice Compositori, Bologna (2011). − FAP, a cura, Vocabolazionario. 50 voci verbali per il progetto dello spazio pubblico, n.e. 2013. −Moore, C. W., Mitchel, W. J., Turnbull, W., The poetics of gardens, MIT Press, Cambridge-London (1988), trad. it. La poetica dei giardini, Muzzio Editore, Padova (1991). − Pandakovic, D., Dal Sasso, A., Saper vedere il paesaggio, Ed. CittàStudi, Novara (2009). − Panzini, F., Progettare la natura – Architettura del paesaggio e dei giardini dalle origini all’epoca contemporanea, Zanichelli, Bologna (2005). − Sereni, E., Storia del paesaggio agrario italiano, Laterza, Roma-Bari (2014, 18° edizione). − Zagari, F., Questo è paesaggio – 48 definizioni, Gruppo Mancosu editore, Roma (2006). − Zagari, F., Sul paesaggio. Lettera aperta, Libria, Melfi (2013).
Bibliography: Urban Planning component
- Filpa, A., Talia, M., Fondamenti di governo del territorio, Carocci Editore, Roma (2009); - Additional texts in PDF will be provided by the lecturer
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From 01/10/2016 to 20/12/2016 |
Delivery mode
Evaluation methods
Oral exam
A project evaluation
Group: 2
Coppola Alessandro Gianni
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From 01/10/2016 to 20/12/2016 |
not mandatory