The course of the second year has the same educational aims of the course of history of the first year, but articulated during the time span between the seventeenth and twenty-first century.
21002003 |
Type of certificate
Profit certificate
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Type of Activity
Basic compulsory activities
The development of architectural forms and theories between the 17th and the 21st centuries. Particular attention will be given to the different social and cultural conditions underlying them, to permanent values, to the transformations and revolutionary innovations of artistic languages, to spatial, technological and structural innovations, to the functionality of use and the rationality of form. The course consists in lectures, seminars and on-site visits, in exploring the complex path of the history of architecture and the development of modern town from the baroque age up to the contemporary time. Our aim is that of tracing, through critical analyses and a selection of architectural works, of actors, of urban and regional contexts, the chronological and geographical stages that have contributed to defining the devious course that characterizes the history of national and international architecture, from the end of the 16th to the 21st century.
(reference books)
BAROQUE AND LATE BAROQUE: Rudolf WITTKOWER, Arte e architettura in Italia 1600-1750, Torino 1993 (1972; Einaudi) Christian NORBERG-SCHULZ, Architettura Barocca, Milano 1979 (Electa) Christian NORBERG-SCHULZ, Architettura tardobarocca, Milano 1989 (Electa)
NEOCLASSICISM: Emil KAUFMANN, L’architettura dell’Illuminismo, Torino 1966 (Einaudi; I ed. 1955) Rudolf WITTKOWER, Palladio e il palladianesimo, Torino 1995 (Einaudi; I ed. 1974) Barry BERGDOL, European Architecture 1750-1890, Oxford-New York 2000 (Oxford History of Art)
MODERN MOVEMENT: Leonardo BENEVOLO, Storia dell’architettura moderna, Roma-Bari 2010 (1960; Laterza) Bruno ZEVI, Storia dell’architettura moderna, voll. I e II, Torino 2004 (Einaudi) Kenneth FRAMPTON, Storia dell’architettura moderna, Bologna 1982 (Zanichelli) Renato DE FUSCO, Storia dell’architettura moderna, Roma-Bari 1990 William J.R. CURTIS, L’architettura moderna dal 1900, Bruno Mondadori, Milano 1999 (nuova edizione Phaidon 2006) Sigfried GIEDION, Spazio, tempo architettura, Milano 1984 (Hoepli; I ed. 1941) Nikolaus PEVSNER, I pionieri dell’architettura moderna, Milano 1999 (Garzanti; I ed. 1943) Manfredo TAFURI, Francesco DAL CO, Architettura contemporanea, Milano 1988 (1976; Electa) Kenneth FRAMPTON, L’altro Movimento Moderno, Cinisello Balsamo 2015 (Silvana Editoriale)
POST-MODERN: Paolo PORTOGHESI, Dopo l’architettura moderna, Roma-Bari 1981 (Laterza) Leonardo BENEVOLO, L’architettura nel nuovo millennio, Roma-Bari 2006 (Laterza)
MONOGRAPHIES: Adolf LOOS, Parole nel vuoto, Milano 1992 (1972; Adelphi) Giorgio CIUCCI, Manfredo TAFURI, Francesco DAL CO, Mario MANIERI ELIA, La città americana: dalla guerra civile al New Deal, Roma-Bari 1973 (Laterza) Christian NORBERG-SCHULZ, Louis Kahn, idea e immagine, Roma 1980 (Officina) James S. ACKERMAN, La villa. Forma e ideologia, Torino 2000 (Edizione di Comunità; 1992 Einaudi; I ed. 1990)
other monographies are listed in the supplementary bibliography in the FTP
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From 01/03/2017 to 20/06/2017 |
Delivery mode
Evaluation methods
Oral exam
Course programme: The development of architectural forms and theories between the 17th and the 21st centuries. Particular attention will be given to the different social and cultural conditions underlying them, to permanent values, to the transformations and revolutionary innovations of artistic languages, to spatial, technological and structural innovations, to the functionality of use and the rationality of form. The course consists in lectures, seminars and on-site visits. The aim of the course is to devote particular attention to the delicate interplay of “patronage-form- matter” in architecture. We will examine some of the architectural works that, from the so-called Baroque period to our times, have highlighted, emblematically and in different modes, the various phases of an idea of “modernity” , whose spatial and temporal boundaries are difficult to establish. Our aim is that of tracing, through critical analyses and a selection of architectural works, of actors, of urban and suburban contexts, the chronological and geographical stages that have contributed to defining the devious course that characterizes the history of national and international architecture, from the end of the 16th to the 21st century.
The course includes visits to architectural works in Rome considered pertinent to the themes we will be dealing with. For further information please consult our Google website “History of architecture 2B”
(reference books)
BAROCCO E TARDOBAROCCO: Rudolf WITTKOWER, Arte e architettura in Italia 1600-1750, Torino 1993 (1972; Einaudi) Christian NORBERG-SCHULZ, Architettura Barocca, Milano 1979 (Electa) Christian NORBERG-SCHULZ, Architettura tardobarocca, Milano 1989 (Electa)
NEOCLASSICISMO: Emil KAUFMANN, L’architettura dell’Illuminismo, Torino 1966 (Einaudi; I ed. 1955) Rudolf WITTKOWER, Palladio e il palladianesimo, Torino 1995 (Einaudi; I ed. 1974) Barry BERGDOL, European Architecture 1750-1890, Oxford-New York 2000 (Oxford History of Art)
MOVIMENTO MODERNO: Leonardo BENEVOLO, Storia dell’architettura moderna, Roma-Bari 2010 (1960; Laterza) Bruno ZEVI, Storia dell’architettura moderna, voll. I e II, Torino 2004 (Einaudi) Kenneth FRAMPTON, Storia dell’architettura moderna, Bologna 1982 (Zanichelli) R. DE FUSCO, Storia dell’architettura moderna, Roma-Bari 1990 W.J.R. CURTIS, L’architettura moderna dal 1900, Bruno Mondadori, Milano 1999 (nuova edizione Phaidon 2006) Sigfried GIEDION, Spazio, tempo architettura, Milano 1984 (Hoepli; I ed. 1941) Nikolaus PEVSNER, I pionieri dell’architettura moderna, Milano 1999 (Garzanti; I ed. 1943) Manfredo TAFURI, Francesco DAL CO, Architettura contemporanea, Milano 1988 (1976; Electa)
POST-MODERN: Paolo PORTOGHESI, Dopo l’architettura moderna, Roma-Bari 1981 (Laterza) Leonardo BENEVOLO, L’architettura nel nuovo millennio, Roma-Bari 2006 (Laterza)
MONOGRAFIE: Adolf LOOS, Parole nel vuoto, Milano 1992 (1972; Adelphi) G. CIUCCI, M. TAFURI, F. DAL CO, M. MANIERI ELIA, La città americana: dalla guerra civile al New Deal, Roma-Bari 1973 (Laterza) Christian NORBERG-SCHULZ, Louis Kahn, idea e immagine, Roma 1980 (Officina) James S. ACKERMAN. La villa. Forma e ideologia, Torino 2000 (Edizione di Comunità; 1992 Einaudi; I ed. 1990)
altri testi a scelta e monografie sono indicati nella bibliografia integrativa nell’ftp
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From 01/03/2017 to 20/06/2017 |
Delivery mode
Evaluation methods
Oral exam