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21810063 LINGUA, CULTURA E ISTITUZIONI DEI PAESI DI LINGUA FRANCESE in Political science and international relations L-36 N0 (A-Z) SPANDRI FRANCESCO
The course IS OFFERED TO ALL STUDENTS: non-current formats (9 CFU), current format (7/8 CFU), attending and non attending students.
It will focus on: “Literature, economy and society between the Restauration and the July Monarchy”.
The course will tackle these topics through the analysis of two Balzac novels: “Gobseck” (1830) and “Eugénie Grandet” (1833).
The course will also provide a review of basic French grammar (verb, noun).
(reference books)
1) Balzac, “Gobseck”, introduction, notes, anthologie critique, bibliographie par Philippe Berthier, Paris, Flammarion, GF, 1984 (or any other paperback French edition)
2) Balzac, “Eugénie Grandet”, chronologie, présentation, notes, dossier, bibliographie par Éléonore Roy-Reverzy, Paris, Flammarion, GF, 2008 (or any other paperback French edition)
3) “Il romanzo francese dell’Ottocento”, Anna Maria Scaiola, ed., Bari, Laterza, 2008 (chapter III)
4) “Les Constitutions de la France depuis 1789”, présentation par Jacques Godechot, édition corrigée et mise à jour par Hervé Faupin, Paris, Flammarion, coll. GF, 2006 (chapters I and II, available from copy shop Appunti, via Chiabrera 174)
Grammar Texts (optional): 1) Maïa Grégoire et Odile Thiévenaz, “Grammaire progressive du français” (niveau intermédiaire), nouvelle édition, Paris, Clé International, 2003 Or 2) Dominique Berger et Nerina Spicacci, “Savoir-dire, savoir-faire” (niveaux A1/A2/B1), Bologna, Zanichelli 2007
Texts are available from: Feltrinelli International Bookstore, Via V. E. Orlando, 84/86 00185 Roma.