The course is aimed at providing the framework of the current civil law system. Through the study of the civil code, read in connection with the constitutional principles and the rules descending from the participation of Italy to the European Union, students will learn the current rules applicable to private relations, as a result of the transformations determined by the mandatory comparison with the economic and social experience. The programme of the course envisages the following subject matters: the norms and the source of law - the lexicon of concepts - the subjects: physical persons, legal entities, de facto entities - the object: goods, real rights and possession - sources, structure and events of the contractual relations - the patrimonial liability of the debtor and the guarantees of the credit - the civil liability arising from criminal offences - the law of contracts in general - the consumer's contracts.
(reference books)
A scelta dello studente: Torrente-Schlesinger, Manuale di diritto privato, ult. edizione. ed. Giuffrè; Roppo, Diritto privato, ult. ed., Giappichelli. Per la preparazione dell'esame è essenziale consultare il Codice Civile, del quale i libri di testo restituiscono ed illustrano il contenuto. Tutte le principali case editrici pubblicano periodicamente il testo del Codice aggiornati