The course is for all students already in possession of a 3 year bachelor’s degree; it is designed to develop and implement the theoretical and practical knowledge acquired during those three years via a series of seminars about translation. Each seminar will be organized around three macro-themes: screen translation, food translation, and specialized texts translation. By its very nature, the course expects an active participation from students. Preparation before each meeting is required. The teacher will distribute photocopies of required reading lists for the course which will be discussed in detail and expanded upon during lessons. Theories learnt will always be developed alongside practical translation work along the appropriate macro-theme. This is a brief outline of how each theme will be developed: for the seminar screen translation, students will translate a film, adapt the dialogues to the scenes (lip sync included) and subtitle it; food translation will enable students to translate texts related to food domain (e.g. recipes, menus, articles, ecc.); the lessons dedicated to specialized texts translation will look at the relation between soft science and hard science; students will examine texts from psychology and medicine. In addition to this, students will be required to attend additional translation seminars organized by the teachers from the Dipartimento di Lingue, Letterature e Culture Straniere. At the end of the course, all students will be asked to give a power point presentation of one of their translated texts, accompanied by an analysis of their translational choices. The text needs to be agreed in advance with the course tutor.
Assessment will be both ongoing and via a final written exam. n.b. my course is combined with the language classes taught by the C.E.L. Students are required to pass both the course exam (mine) and the language exam (prova di accertamento linguistica).
(reference books)
Readings distributed during classes