From poetic translation to specialized translation
Students will achieve competences in theoretical and practical translation through the study of a great variety of language and literary texts. Various text analysis tools and techniques will be introduced and literary genres will be explored in their socio-cultural context. Students will be able to critically analyze, interpret and recreate texts at various levels of complexity according to a comparative method which will allow them to examine and understand the process of translating as the result of a specific spatial and temporal context.
(reference books)
- A. Berman, L'épreuve de l'étranger, Gallimard 1984 - U. Eco, Il caso Queneau e Il caso Joyce,in Dire quasi la stessa cosa, Bompiani 2003 (chapter 12) - M. Guidère, Publicité et traduction, L'Harmattan 2000 (chapters: Le transfert publicitaire; Culture publicitaire et traduction; Pour une éthique de la traduction publicitaire) -J. Risset, Préface à Dante. La Divine Comédie, Flammarion 2010, pp. I-XXXII -J. Risset, Peut-on traduire les géants?, « Mezzavoce », 1, 1992 - L. Santone, Traduire le « vertige de l’expansion ». Sur Madame Bovary, « Flaubert. Revue critique et génétique », 14, 2015, URL : https://flaubert.revues.org/ - corpus of texts given by the teacher