The course is activated in a single teaching module that looks, from different perspectives, at the discipline of the company and the market and the protection of consumers. The purpose of the program is to transmit to the students the knowledge of the Consumer Code discipline, with regard to the rules relating to the contract with the consumer, unfair commercial practices, the impact of new technologies on consumer protection, collective protection and class action and alternative remedies for the prevention of disputes. To this end, an adequate space is reserved for the indications coming from court decisions and from the independent administrative Authorities (with particular regard to the decisions of the AGCM), both national and European.
(reference books)
AA.VV., Manuale di diritto dei consumi, Soggetti, atto, attività, enforcement, a cura di L. Rossi Carleo, Giappichelli, Torino, ultima edizione, ad esclusione unicamente delle seguenti parti: Parte III, Capitolo Secondo Parte IV, Capitolo Secondo, Sezione Quarta Parte IV, Capitolo Terzo, Sezione Terza