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20706010 German language and translation 2A/2B MA in Modern languages for International Communication LM-38 N0 NIED MARTINA LUCIA
Course title: "Mediation and translation Italian-German"
This course focuses on mediation and translation from Italian to German. After a short introduction in terminological aspects of mediation and translation we will concentrate on concrete exercises. Different strategies and resources, especially parallel texts, will be used. A special focus will be on word combinations like collocations, chunks, ecpressions and idioms. Metalinguistic reflection will be an important element of the course.
(reference books)
1. Nied Curcio, Martina/ Katelhön, Peggy (2015): Sprach-und Kulturmittlung in Deutschland und Italien. Einführende Bemerkungen zu einem interdisziplinären Dialog. In: Nied Curcio, Martina/ Katelhön, Peggy/ Basic, Ivana (2015): Sprachmittlung – Mediation – Mediazione linguistica. Ein deutsch-italienischer Dialog. Berlin: Frank&Timme, 9-26. (the file is available as a pdf on the website of Prof. Nied)
2. Nied Curcio, Martina (2016): La lingua tedesca. Aspetti linguistici tra contrastività e interculturalità. Roma: Universitalia. Capitolo 5 "Le parole e le loro combinazioni", pp. 201-219.
3. Powerpoint presentation: Nied Curcio, Martina: Das Nachschlagen von Phrasemen in Online-Wörterbüchern und Applikationen – ein Problem für Fremdsprachenlernende?! (the slides are available as a pdf on the website of Prof. Nied, named: "nied_curcio_martina_Leko_Innsbruck")
4. Fabricius-Hansen, Caterine (2004): Paralleltext und Übersetzung aus sprachwissenschaftlicher Sicht. In: Kittel, Harald / Frank, Armin Paul / Greiner, Norbert / Hermans, Theo / Koller, Werner / Lambert, José / Paul, Fritz (Ed.). Übersetzung Translation Traduction. (HSK 26.1.) de Gruyter, pp. 322-329. (the file is available as a pdf on the website of Prof. Nied, named: "Paralleltext und Übersetzung")
Dictionaries: 1. Duden. Deutsches Universalwörterbuch A-Z. Mannheim: Dudenverlag. 2. Luisa Giacoma/ Susanne Kolb: Il nuovo dizionario di Tedesco. Firenze: Zanichelli. 3. Free online dictionaries (linguee,,, wordreference,...)