Aesthetics of Time. Forms of Existencial Narratives.
The aesthetic and the challenges of the universal narrative: what does the literary form offer to our conception of time? And what happens when we are not capable to live in our present? The course includes a study of the "distance" as a condition of hermeneutic understanding of life and a possibility to read human actions as a "quasi-text". Memory and Present will be our keys to interpret literary forms of human identity.
(reference books)
• NIETZSCHE, Sull’utilità e il danno della storia per la vita, Adelphi, Milano 2007.
• SENECA, La brevità della vita, Rizzoli, Milano 1999.
• FABRIZIA ABBATE, Paul Ricoeur e il terzo discorso, Editori Riuniti University Press, Roma 2012.
• JOSEPH CONRAD, La linea d’ombra,Einaudi, Torino 1989 (saggio introduttivo di Cesare Pavese).