The course aims to provide a framework of key concepts of social pedagogy (processes and education systems, educative emergencies, educational and cultural needs) through the use of several disciplinary approaches. Moreover, the course aims to develop research and intervention skills in the educational and social fields, with particular regard to the planning of education programs targeted to groups at risk of social exclusion. Therefore, through the reflections and proposals of several authors (john dewey, bertrand schwartz, paulo freire, aldo capitini), the course will focus on a perspective of education as a means of combating social exclusion.
22901897 |
Type of certificate
Profit certificate
The course aims to provide a framework of key concepts of social pedagogy (processes and education systems, educative emergencies, educational and cultural needs) through the use of several disciplinary approaches. Moreover, the course aims to develop research and intervention skills in the educational and social fields, with particular regard to the planning of education programs targeted to groups at risk of social exclusion. Therefore, through the reflections and proposals of several authors (john dewey, bertrand schwartz, paulo freire, aldo capitini), the course will focus on a perspective of education as a means of combating social exclusion.
22901897-1 |
Type of certificate
Profit certificate
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Type of Activity
Core compulsory activities
The course deals with the general concepst of Social education Social work and social pedagoy at the theoretical and practical Level. Intercultural issues will be also analysed . What means community education? In which way educators are responsible for the community and society construction ? How to deal with new challenges of changing families and communication social networks. What kind of “places” and project are relevant for in community education?
The laboratory will give students the possibility to work in small groups exploring emotions, empathy and moral education and focusing on the fisiological functioning of making experiences and taking decision . Students will present their work to the collegues and organize patterns for discussion or propose games and acrivities.
Erasmus students have the possibility to prepare part of the programm in english or in french or in german or in spanish.
(reference books)
A) Mollo G., A. Porcarelli, D. Simeone (2014), Pedagogia Sociale, La Scuola. B) Premoli S. (2015) Educatori in Ricerca, Carocci , Milano. C) Un testo a scelta tra i seguenti - Aluffi Pentini A. , F. Olivieri (2014) Dalla valigia al web, Alpes - Pasqualotto L. Rendere generativo il lavoro sociale, Ed La meridiana - TFIEY Italia (2016) Il futuro è nelle nostre mani . Investire nell’infanzia per coltivare la vita. Il Mulino D) Libro di lettura ( da Leggere!) Contessa de Ségur, Quella Peste di Sophie, Donzelli o altra edizione integrale. D ) Lucidi da ritirare DOPO il 10 gennaio nella copisteria di via Varese
Laboratorio E) SIEGEL 12 strategie straordinarie per favorire lo sviluppo mentale del bambino. Una guida pratica con esercizi schede e giochi , Raffaello Cortina. F) OLIVIERI F. (2016) Educazione neurobiologia. Cervello Empatia e processi morali, in corso di stampa.
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From 01/03/2017 to 20/06/2017 |
Delivery mode
not mandatory
Evaluation methods
Oral exam
The course aims to provide a framework of key concepts of social pedagogy (processes and education systems, educative emergencies, educational and cultural needs) through the use of several disciplinary approaches. Moreover, the course aims to develop research and intervention skills in the educational and social fields, with particular regard to the planning of education programs targeted to groups at risk of social exclusion. Therefore, through the reflections and proposals of several authors (john dewey, bertrand schwartz, paulo freire, aldo capitini), the course will focus on a perspective of education as a means of combating social exclusion.
22901897-2 |
Type of certificate
Profit certificate
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Type of Activity
Core compulsory activities
The course deals with the general concepst of Social education Social work and social pedagoy at the theoretical and practical Level. Intercultural issues will be also analysed . What means community education? In which way educators are responsible for the community and society construction ? How to deal with new challenges of changing families and communication social networks. What kind of “places” and project are relevant for in community education?
The laboratory will give students the possibility to work in small groups exploring emotions, empathy and moral education and focusing on the fisiological functioning of making experiences and taking decision . Students will present their work to the collegues and organize patterns for discussion or propose games and acrivities.
Erasmus students have the possibility to prepare part of the programm in english or in french or in german or in spanish.
(reference books)
Testi per la preparazione dell’esame da nove crediti (corso e laboratorio)
A) Mollo G., A. Porcarelli, D. Simeone (2014), Pedagogia Sociale, La Scuola. B) Premoli S. (2015) Educatori in Ricerca, Carocci , Milano. C) Un testo a scelta tra i seguenti - Aluffi Pentini A. , F. Olivieri (2014) Dalla valigia al web, Alpes - Pasqualotto L. Rendere generativo il lavoro sociale, Ed La meridiana - TFIEY Italia (2016) Il futuro è nelle nostre mani . Investire nell’infanzia per coltivare la vita. Il Mulino D) Libro di lettura ( da Leggere!) Contessa de Ségur, Quella Peste di Sophie, Donzelli o altra edizione integrale. D ) Lucidi da ritirare DOPO il 10 gennaio nella copisteria di via Varese
Laboratorio E) SIEGEL 12 strategie straordinarie per favorire lo sviluppo mentale del bambino. Una guida pratica con esercizi schede e giochi , Raffaello Cortina. F) OLIVIERI F. (2016) Educazione neurobiologia. Cervello Empatia e processi morali, in corso di stampa.
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From 01/03/2017 to 20/06/2017 |
Delivery mode
not mandatory
Evaluation methods
Oral exam