Prof. Emma Nardi Collaboration with Dott. Nader Harb Valutare per capire (Evaluate to understand) 9 credits Academic year 2016-2017 http://lps.uniroma3.it
Prof. Emma Nardi's lectures and the module developed by Dott. Harb will take place in the "Ex caserma Sani", Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 10:00am- 12:00pm starting from the 11st of October 2016
Online activity calendar The online activity will be active on the website http://www.orbisdictus.it, starting from October 18th 2016 and will be concluded on December 21st 2016. The completion of the workshop activities is necessary for taking part in the final exam. P.S.: The deadline for the availability of the online content (Unites and exercises) is on the 21st of December 2016
Summary seminar The seminar will take place on the 10th of January 2017 from 9:00am to 1:00pm. the location is yet to be determined.
Exam texts Benedetto Vertecchi, Manuale di valutazione, Milano, Franco Angeli, 2003. Benedetto Vertecchi (a cura di), Nulla dies sine linea, Milano, Franco Angeli, 2016.
Theme of the course the theme of the course is "Valutare per capire" (Evaluate to understand). The course's specific objectives that will be tackled during through the lectures are: - consider the characteristics of the educational language; - consider the changes that influence the evaluation; - classify the evaluation instruments; - define the relation between didactics and evaluation; - identify the evaluation elements and functions; - build knowledge related structured tests; - analyze the test data; - and adequate manner of correction of various test types. During the lectures, short texts will be given to students to read, discuss and comment.
The online activity will be done only once, titled how to evaluate reading comprehension structured tests (Come valutare le prove strutturate di comprensione della lettura) the workshop is organized into five Units, each of which focuses on a specific argument: - the narrative; - the myth and the tale; - the story; - tests correction; - the questionnaire as a research instrument.
At the end of every Lab didactical unit, two tests will be handed to the students to administer: one multiple choice test and one fill in blanks test. A correction message will be sent to the student in real time. The summary seminar represents a chance to follow-up and discuss the theoretical arguments.
Evaluation The exam will have a written part that all students will have to take part in. The duration of the exam will be 90 minutes, and it will consist of a structured knowledge test as a 90 multiple choice questions related to the program (the course, laboratory and seminar). errors will not be penalized.
1. How can i make a reservation for Professor Nardi’s exam? Only using the Student portal “Portale dello Studente”
2. What if the dates of the booking were not respected, is it possible to nevertheless take to exam? The new online verbalization procedures prevent the admission of candidates to the verbal exam, which is generated automatically by the system, furthermore, the assignments that the students should answer are permuted and therefore produced as a single solution. After the deadline it is not possible to print out other assignments.
3. The students who do not attend the course, are they required to integrate the program with ulterior tests? No. The program is the same for all students.
4. Is it possible to take the exam two times in the same session? No. Students lists will be checked in order to prevent this form happening.
5. For someone who could not take an exam he/she already made a reservation for, is it possible to book another exam in the same session? Yes, only if the reservation was cancelled before the printing of the assignments. The preparation of the assignment is an expensive process, which makes the preparation of two assignments for the same student in the same session not doable. Moreover, the cancellation procedure is an easy and fast process, it’s sufficient to send an email to the following address: lab.pedagogia.sperimentale@uniroma3.it
Reception and communications Tuesday and Wednesday, after the lecture at “Piazza della Repubblica”. Students who wish to receive information via email can send an email to Prof. Nardi (emma.nardi@uniroma3.it), indicating in the subject their name and the course they are attending.
(reference books)
Benedetto Vertecchi, Manuale di valutazione, Milano, Franco Angeli, 2003. Benedetto Vertecchi (a cura di), Nulla dies sine linea, Milano, Franco Angeli, 2016.