The course will utilize a series of lectures and a workshop (36 and 18 hours in duration respectively). The lectures will focus on the historical benchmarks and theoretical framework for testing and assessment techniques (docimology) and evaluation research, with particular reference to adult competencies. The criteria for designing and arranging micro and macro-level survey researches will be illustrated and discussed, with a view to the basic features of evaluation validity and reliability, as well as to the construction of data collection tools. The characteristics and the findings of the major national and international research studies on adult competencies will be presented and discussed. Beginning from the definition of key competencies, at European and international levels, the emphasis will be on the methodology used in this type of research studies. The workshop will mainly focus on technical issues related to evaluation methodology, criteria and procedures, in a lifelong learning perspective. Students will not only participate in, but will also engage in applying both docimological principles and techniques and descriptive statistics to the analysis of major findings on adult literacy provided by international comparative surveys (ALL, PIAAC).
P.S. A final single examination, which will include the topics of face-to-face lectures and workshop, will grant 9 CFU. The examination consists of a written test, and - on request - of an oral examination. The written test consists of 90 multiple choice questions. Questions are structured as single best answer questions i.e. a question followed by 4 responses, only one of which is correct. The oral examination may be requested only by those candidates who obtain a passng grade (at least grade 18 out of 30). Should a candidate not receive a passing for the written examination (54 correct answers), the examination must be repeated in the subsequent examination cycle.
(reference books)
B. Vertecchi, G. Agrusti, B. Losito, Origini e sviluppi della ricerca valutativa Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2010.
D. S. Rychen, L. L. Salganik, Agire le competenze chiave. Scenari e strategie per il benessere consapevole, Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2007.
G. Di Francesco (a cura di), Il framework teorico del programma PIAAC. Metodologia e strumenti per la valutazione delle competenze degli adulti, Isfol, 2013. (Il testo completo è pubblicato sul sito web dell’Isfol, all’indirizzo http://sbnlo2.cilea.it/bw5ne2/opac.aspx?WEB=ISFL&IDS=19828)
Additional teaching materials and articles will be distributed during the course and the activities (Laboratorio).