The course focuses on issues related to the financial statements preparation to complete the preparation of balance sheet and profit and loss account. The course is divided into three theoretical modules; three final lectures dedicated to practice. Module I The module provides an analysis, evaluation and accounting treatment in the financial statements of specific transactions such as work in process on long-term contracts, transactions in foreign currency, leasing, vendor financing, factoring, repo operations, treasury stock, investments in associates and subsidiaries. Module II The module is dedicated analysis and composition of shareholder equity in the Italian legislations (OIC 28). The analysis concerns the causes and effects of its variation and the constitution and use of the reserves. Module III The module explores the information content of specific documents - such as Notes, Management Report, Risk report – and the process of approving the financial statements.
(reference books)
Key reading list _ IAS 11, Construction Contracts _ IAS 21, The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates _ IAS 17, Leasing _ IAS 39, Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement _ IAS 28, Investments in Associates and Joint Ventures