Text linguistics and translation
The course centers on text linguistics as an indispensable prerequisite for translation theory and translation praxis. Theoretical lesson will alternate with practical exercises (and homeworks) in translation from German into Italian. Furthermore, the perspective of text linguistics is integrated with the wider one of recent german Diskurslinguistik, applied to a range of different literary text genres of XVIII century.
At the end of the course, students must pass a written translation test.
The classes of the German native-speaker teachers form an integral part of the course and begin at the start of the academic year.
(reference books)
Harald Weinrich, Linguistik der Lüge, Beck (trad. it. La lingua bugiarda, Il Mulino); M. Foschi Albert, Il profilo stilistico del testo, Pisa University Press, Pisa 2009; Lucia Cinato Kather, Mediazione linguistica tedesco-italiano, Hoepli, Milano 2011; Dispensa “Linguistica testuale e traduzione”. Dispensa “Discorsi e media del Settecento”.