Introduction: Sound abilities in reading (conceived as a set of literacies: functional, multimedia, information…) are required to every citizen in order to understand the phenomena of our complex, transitional, “liquid” society, and to be able at self-orienteering and learning in such a globalised and interconnected context. Libraries, archives, documentation and information centers (and museums as well) are vital learning environments that enable their users to acquire, reinforce, improve Information Literacy and therefore a competent use of information.
Objectives: Becoming aware of the strategic relevance of information literacy and of the role that libraries, especially the school library, play in the learning process in a complex society.
Knowing the theoretical basic fundamentals and acquiring the techniques of Bibliography, Librarianship and Documentation, in particularly concerning: o Information and documentation as an instructional and educational resource o web 2.0 in media and information literacy education and as a means of communication and outreach of library services addressed to children and pupils o planning, organization and management of public libraries, school libraries, children’s libraries as a learning environment
Content: The course: - takes in account definitions of "Information Literacy" and introduces the concept of "Media and Information Literacy", starting from the most recent documents of Unesco and library associations and institutions - presents and analyzes several approaches and methos of the information seeking process, with reference to the Information Overload and Digital Divide phenomena - reflects on the role of library and librarians in contrasting such phenomena, through the development and delivery of customized services (e.g. reference library/work), taking care of the user's education, thanks also to the new social networks that are offered by the web 2.0 - presents the foundational concepts of library and information science (LIS), in particular bibliography, librarianship and documentation (definitions, field of competence, history, relationships amongst the three subjects).
Bibliography (Reference): definition; field of competence; history; types; reference citation and citation styles; compilation of reference lists: the bibliographic chain; tools; ISO standards.
Librarianship: definition; field of competence; history (history of libraries with some history of books and publishing); library types (government, university, public etc. libraries) – Library legislation – Intellectual property and copyright - Library as a complex system – the 5 library laws.
Documentation: Document and documentation - Document types – Information processing - Documentation chain. Information process and management - Descriptive cataloguing: headings choice and form (REICAT) and ISBD - Semantic cataloguing: Dewey, UDC, subject headings and thesauri - OPAC.
(reference books)
1. MARCO SANTORO, Lezioni di bibliografia, Milano: Editrice Bibliografica, 2012. ISBN 9788870757224. 2. GIOVANNA GRANATA, Introduzione alla biblioteconomia, Bologna: Il Mulino, 2013. 3. un volume a scelta nella collana “Conoscere la biblioteca” (Milano, Editrice Bibliografica)
Inoltre sono vivamente consigliati: 1. JOSÉ M. PRELLEZO – JESUS M. GARCIA, Invito alla ricerca. Metodologia e tecniche del lavoro scientifico, Roma: LAS, 2007. 2. DONATELLA LOMBELLO, La biblioteca scolastica, Milano: Franco Angeli, 2009. 3. LUISA MARQUARDT-DIANNE OBERG, Global Perspectives on School Libraries, Berlin: DeGruyter-Saur, 2011. 4. SILVIA BLEZZA PICHERLE, Diventare lettori oggi : problemi e prospettive educative. Ed. riv. e ampliata.. Verona : Libreria Editrice Universitaria, 2007. ISBN 9788889844175.