Course content Course title: Human rights, interculture and citizenship in teachers’ education
Course programme: Intercultural and Citizenship Pedagogy is one of the fundamental course in the curriculum for students who become teacher of Primary School. The discipline aims at forming the knowledge and competences related to intercultural and citizenship education in consideration of the international migration and the recent introduction of “Constitution and Citizenship” as new compulsory subject in the national curriculum. The knowledge of the Italian Constitution leads the students to the identification of the political and socio-cultural values and understanding the meaning of the resources and strategies for the active citizenship education in the multicultural society and multi-faith context. Special attention concerns the migration of children in the Third Millennium. The research in school educates new teachers for the social inclusion with action against cultural prejudices, racism and social discrimination. The concepts of peace, tolerance, solidarity and responsibility as inclusive citizenship open to challenge in the face of persistent migration that increasingly involves refugee children, unaccompanied at risk of dropping out.
Teaching methods - In the presence and distance teaching and learning - Interactive teaching and learning - On line documents and internet communication - Scientific research - E-mail: schistolini@uniroma3.it; Website: www.sandrachistolini.it
Assessment methods Written verification text before the oral examination
(reference books)
Reference books 1. Scuola di Barbiana, Lettera a una professoressa, Libreria editrice fiorentina, Firenze, 1967, o altra edizione, con visita alla scuola. 2. W. Kymlicka, La cittadinanza multiculturale, Bologna, Il mulino, 1999. 3. R. Guardini, Il diritto alla vita prima della nascita, nota al testo di Michele Nicoletti, Brescia, Morcelliana, 2005. 4. A book chosen by each student from a provided list of titles about migrant children and human rights. 5. Studio ed analisi critica di due articoli scientifici. 6. Costituzione della repubblica italiana, http://www.governo.it/Governo/Costituzione/CostituzioneRepubblicaItaliana.pdf. 7. Documenti e materiali indicati in aula e diffusi on line attraverso il sito della docente www.sandrachistolini.it.
Further information Home page: www.sandrachistolini.it Email: schistolini@uniroma3.it