From the theoretical standpoint, students will gain knowledge related to: - Individual differences (temperament, personality traits, values); - Social development (peer relationships, social skills, prosocial behaviors and aggressive, bullying; - Emotional development (emotion regulation, emotional skills, emotional self-efficacy); - Cognitive development (metacognition, self-learning, self-efficacy education, prosocial moral reasoning); - Intervention models of Social and Emotional Learning for promoting prosocial behaviors and preventing aggressive behaviors in the classroom; - Teacher’s competences in promoting the well-being at school.
From the methodological standpoint, students will gain knowledge on instruments for assessment of: - Social skills, emotional and cognitive; - Adaptive and maladaptive behaviors in the classroom; - Teacher’s competences for school inclusion.
The course is in the first semester and it consists of 60 hours, including 40 hours of lessons, and 20 hours on-line.
(reference books)
Schaffer, H. R. (2005). Psicologia dello sviluppo. Milano, Raffaello Cortina. Caprara, G.V., Gerbino, M., Luengo Kanacri, P., Vecchio, G.M. (2014). Educare alla prosocialità. Teoria e buone prassi. Milano - Torino: Pearson Italia. Teaching aids (Formonline).