20110031 ATTIVITA': Constitutional Reform in Law LMG/01 CARNEVALE PAOLO
Wednesday 30th March
1. Introduction and general profiles of the ongoing constitutional review process (Paolo CARNEVALE)
Monday 4 April
2. The constitutional referendum: old issues and unpublished problems (Gianpaolo FONTANA)
Wednesday 6 April
3. Overcoming the equal bicameralism: the new structure of the Chamber and the Senate and the respective training procedures (Ines CIOLLI)
Monday 11 April
4. The parliamentary law (s) (Giovanni PICCIRILLI)
Wednesday 13 April 5. Legislative acts: the urgent decree and the abrogative referendum (Giovanna PISTORIO)
Monday 18 April
6. The monocameral fiduciary relationship and its reflexes (Tatiana GUARNIER)
Wednesday 20 April
7. The President of the Republic in the reform project (Daniele CHINNI)
Wednesday 27 April
8. The new title V (Laura RONCHETTI)
Monday 2 May
9. The Constitutional Court in the reform project (Elisabetta FRONTONI)
Wednesday 4 May
10. The transitional and final provisions and the entry into force clause (Paolo SCARLATTI)
Monday 9 May
11. Final round table
Wednesday 11 May
12. Final exercise
(reference books)
study books will be specified in class.