20706009 German language and translation 1A/1B MA in Modern languages for International Communication LM-38 N0 NIED MARTINA LUCIA
Monolingual and bilingual dictionaries in mediation and written textproduction. The course will focus on the (macro and micro) structure of monolingual and bilingual dictionaries and on their potential and practical use in mediation and written production activities.
(reference books)
The following monolingual and bilingual dictionaries: - Duden. Deutsches Universalwörterbuch A-Z. Mannheim: Dudenverlag. - Lauis Giacoma/ Susanne Kolb: Il nuovo dizionario di Tedesco. Firenze: Zanichelli. Other dictionaries can be consulted in the library. Information about further reading material will be made available at the beginning of the course and posted on the Department site.