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20709051 PSICOLOGIA DINAMICA - L.M. in Philosophical Sciences LM-78 N0 MEGHNAGI DAVID
General part. Freud's theory of the unconscious. Primary process and secondary process. Logic and bi-logic. The languages of the unconscious: dreams, failure to act, symptom. Meaningful language and communicating language. The factors of communication. The cognitive unconscious.
Specific part. Similarities and differences between the language of the unconscious and the language of culture. Humour as a tertiary process. Freudian theories of art, literature and religion. The concept of historical truth in Freud. Judaism and Christianity in Freud's thought. The dialectic of anti-Semitism and racism in Freud's thought. The developments of psychoanalytic research in the aesthetic and religious field. Psychoanalysis and textual criticism. Psychoanalysis of religious and aesthetic experience.
(reference books)
Freud Sigmund. Il perturbante. In Opere Sigmund Freud. Vol V, pp 1-2011. Torino: Boringhieri, 1979. Freud Sigmund, L’umorismo. In Opere. Vol. X, pp. 499-508. Torino: Boringhieri, 1978. Freud Sigmund, Il motto di spirito e la sua relazione con l’inconscio. Torino: Boringhieri, 1980. Meghnagi David, Interpretare Freud. Venezia: Marsilio 2003. Meghnagi David, Jewish humor on Psychoanalysis, International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 1989. Meghnagi David. From the Dream of a generation to the theory of dreams: Freud’s Roman dreams. Int. Journal of Psychoanalysis (2011) 92: 675-695. Meghnagi David, Il Padre e la Legge (Freud e l’Ebraismo). Venezia: Marsilio, 2004 (Terza edizione aggiornata).