Derived from
20401076 MICROBIAL BIOTECHNOLOGY in Biology for Molecular, Cellular and Physiopathological Research LM-6 (professor to define)
The course aims at providing to the student: - adequate knowledge and understanding on estabilished methodologies in industrial microbiology, appropriate methodologies and communication skills for the description and use of industrial microorganisms; - adequate applied knowledge for drafting and executing experimental protocols, and for critically reviewing scientific literature in the field (making judgements).
main topics of the lessons 1) introduction to microbial biotechnology: historical overview, characteristics of industrial microrganisms, culture media and growing methodologies, basic knowledge of indutrial processes 2) genetic improvement of industrial microrganisms: mutagenesis and genetic engineering of bacteria and yeasts, sistems biology applications 3) biosinthesis and production of commercial metabolites (bioethanol, organic acids, aminoacids, antibiotics) 4) production of recombinant proteins and vaccines 5) biodegradation and bioremediation
laboratory practice -cloning, overexpression and purification of recombinant proteins in Escherichia coli. -ethanol production in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, vistit to an beer-farm
(reference books)
Selected topics will be available on suggested Microbiology and Microbial Biotechnology books. Specific research papers and experimental protocols will be provided during theoretic lessons on advanced research topics and laboratory practices. Innovative teaching will be promoted by cloud-sharing of power-point presentations illustrating the main topics of the course. Moreover, students will be encouraged to make use of web-based resources and databases to autonomously increase their knowledge on specific advanced topics. Students can be received at the best of their convenience if an appointment has been fixed by email.