This class will introduce the student to human communication, language processing, and their functional neurocognitive correlates. After introducing the basic notions of animal and human communication and the notion of linguistic structure, we will focus on the cognitive and neural substrates of communication and language processing (models of language production and comprehension). The contribution of functional neuroimaging techniques (fMRI, PET, MEG), neuropsychological investigation of language loss after cerebral injury (e.g. aphasic or right hemisphere damaged individuals) or degradation (e.g. patients suffering from Alzheimer or Parkinson’s diseases) as well as data from social neuroscience will be discussed.
(reference books)
Students will receive the slides of the lessons. They will also be required to study on the following mandatory and facultative books:
Mandatory: Marini (2008). Manuale di neurolinguistica. Fondamenti teorici, tecniche di indagine, applicazioni, Roma, Carocci.
Facultative: Marini (2001). Elementi di psicolinguistica generale, Milano, Springer. Gazzaniga, Ivry, Mangun (2005). Neuroscienze cognitive. Zanichelli, Bologna