Derived from
Introductory lecture – Tuesday March 22 2015, h. 14:15 - lecture room 2 : Introduction to financial market law
I lecture – Monday April 11 2016, h. 8,30 - lecture room 5 : The financial markets - the evolution of laws and regulations. The functions of the supervisory authorities and the regulated markets managing companies.
II lecture – Monday April 18 2016, h. 8,30 - lecture room 5: The financial instruments issuers and duties of information to the market.
III lecture – Monday May 9 2016, h. 8,30 - lecture room 5: The financial instruments and the investment services. The collective portfolio management.
IV lecture – Monday May 16 2016, h. 8,30 - lecture room 5: The solicitation of public savings and public offers to buy or exchange financial instruments.
V lecture - Monday May 23 2016, h 8,30 - lecture room 5: Sanctions
The lectures are designed for students attending the Commercial Law II course.
The introductory lecture will be held by Professor Sabino Fortunato; the other lectures will be held by Dr. Francesco Scannicchio.
Admission requirements for the final test : 1) attending the lectures of Financial Market Law; 2) passing the Commercial Law II exam ( the final test can be held in the same day of the Commercial Law II exam session).
Educational material:
S. FORTUNATO - F SCANNICCHIO, La Consob e il mercato mobiliare, in AA.VV., Diritto commerciale, Bologna, 2010, chapter XIV.
Other material will be suggested during the lectures.
(reference books)
Readings and course materials shall be provided during the course.