MODULE A Relativistic quantum equations, perturbation theory, Feynman diagrams. Invariance principles and conservation laws, discrete and continuos transformations, parity, charge conjugation, time reversal. Quark model. Weak interactions phenomenology. Parton model, quark and anti-quark densities. Standard Model of electroweak interactions. Quantum chromodynamics, color, gluons, confinement. CP symmetry violation. Ration-matter interactions. Gamma rays, charged particles, neutrons, neutrinos. Particle detection techniques. Scintillation detectors, solid state detectors, wire chambers, drift chambers, RPS, calorimeters. MODULE B Detector systems: magnetic spectrometers, particle identification systems, complex detectors. Elements of statistics applied to particle physics data analysis. Experimental checks of the Standard Model. High energy interactions, inclusive production, elastic and total cross-sections, production of hadronic jets. Experiments and measurements at LEP and at hadron colliders. Neutrino physics from Fermi theory to nowadays and in particular the neutrino oscillations.
(reference books)
(Leo W.R.)Techniques for Nuclear and Particle Physics Experiments [Springer-Verlag 1994 ] (Perkins D.H.)Introduction to High Energy Physics, 4th edition, [Cambridge University Press, 2000. ] (Cahn R.N. and Goldhaber G.)The experimental Foundations of Particle Physics [Cambridge University Press, 1989.]