The course “Models and procedures in adult education” has the following objectives: acquire the theoretical and methodological principles of research in adult education; define a research problem; formulate hypotheses; define data-collecting tools through the analysis of international surveys on adult education; establish critical approaches to revise the hypotheses; select problem-solving procedures. During the lessons, students will be involved in activities that will allow them to turn into practice what they have learnt and to receive immediate feedback from the professor. Students are required to register for the exams at least 15 days before the exam. Lessons and exam dates will be available at the teacher's web space.
For any information regarding associated seminar and laboratory please refer to their respective tabs.
(reference books)
- Benedetto Vertecchi, Manuale della valutazione. Analisi degli apprendimenti e dei contesti, Milano, Angeli, 2003 - materiali di approfondimento distribuiti a lezione e sulla bacheca elettronica.
Per il seminario e il laboratorio fare riferimento alle rispettive schede.