Course description
The course aims to promote and to foster the acquisition of the theoretical and methodological foundations which characterize teaching and learning processes. The course is intended to develop the ability to analyze and to describe the contexts and learning environments in the perspective of experimental pedagogy. It aims to build the basis for a systematic approach based on the evaluation process in the perspective of regulation and self-regulation of learning.
General objectives
* describe the main features of teaching and learning processes in relation to the complexity of nowaday social and cultural environment.
* describe and analyze in school contexts aspects characterizing the ecological perspective in educational systems
* illustrate the most significant phenomena of the teaching-learning process and highlight the elements useful for the identification and analysis of variables both in terms of quality and quantity
* analyze plans, procedures, and tools related to observational processes
* outline the steps which characterize the observational procedure
* identify the main differences between the various types of observational tools
* detect and describe some of the phenomena that characterize the monitoring and evaluation as a regulator of the process of teaching-learning
* explain the reasons why the assessment is a formative moment aimed at improving the quality of teaching and learning in the framework of self-efficacy
* relate learning models and teaching functions
* identify modalities of effective communication of the evaluation in a socio-relational and affective perspective
The course will pay particular attention to the issue of digital natives, especially with regard to the relationship between information technology and learning processes. The subject of digital learning environments, such as web and social networks will also be addressed.
(reference books)
Testi di esame
Olmetti Peja D., Il metodo osservativo nei contesti formativi.,Monolite, Roma 2009
Olmetti Peja D., Fregola C., Zona U., Conoscere il bambino reale. Uno sguardo ecologico sull'apprendimento, Marzo 2015, Formato Kindle, Amazon
Olmetti Peja D; Zona U., Fregola C., Un introduzione ai processi e le teorie dell’apprendimento2015, Formato Kindle, Amazon
Fregola C., Olmetti Peja D., Superare un esame. Trasformare ansia, emotività e studio in risorse strategiche, EDISES, Napoli 2007
Reading text (one among the following)
Gardner H., Verità, bellezza, bontà, Feltrinelli, Milano 2012
Santoro G., Cervelli sconnessi. La resistibile ascesa del net-liberismo e il dilagare della stupidità digitale, Castelvecchi, Roma 2014