Relations between the figurative languages and techniques of representation, form-expression, communication through images.
21002033 |
Type of certificate
Profit certificate
Relations between the figurative languages and techniques of representation, form-expression, communication through images.
21002033-1 |
Type of certificate
Profit certificate
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Type of Activity
Core compulsory activities
Analyses of the relationship between visual languages and representation techniques, architecture and graphic design. History analyses of images of the XXth century. Billboards and prime-times as inputs to graphic applications. Applications of manual drawings and designs done by using various different softwares both raster and vectorial as Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator Goals The course reviews the relationships between figurative languages and representational techniques, the form-expression, and the iconic communication. Examination A part from the exercises done during the semester, it is required a verbal exposition of topics treated in the book and during the lessons.
(reference books)
AAVV, Architettura e rappresentazione. Alcune questioni, Kappa ed. 2015, a cura di Ghisi Grütter. Ghisi Grütter, Disegno e immagine. Tra comunicazione e rappresentazione, Kappa ed. 2006. AAVV, Immagine e comunicazone, CD-ROM DiPsa 2001 nel sito del corso.
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From 01/10/2015 to 20/12/2015 |
Delivery mode
the course is the first year of the degree in architectural design, has the intent to participate, through the representation of the architecture and environmental development of the following skills: perceiving and using the representation as exploration and verification of the idea of project and its realization by interacting with the surrounding environment; use different techniques and different tools of representation depending on the theoretical reflections on the architectural questions prerequisite knowledge systems and the representation of two-dimensional digital drawing topics the digital drawing as a form of exploration and verification of two and three dimensional spatial configurations; exploration and digital reconstruction of buildings and / or architectural elements; mapping and modeling of urban parts affected by new building organisms. test exercises with ongoing development and tables to be submitted at exame
(reference books)
FARRONI L. (2013) Architecture and representation: digital surveying of Pavilion 19 of the former Slaughterhouse (Ex Mattatoio) of Rome. In: ATTI DigitalHeritage2013 International Congress . DigitalHeritage2013. Marsiglia, 28 ottobre -1 novembre 2013 IEEE Catalog Number: CFP1308W-USB ISBN: 978-1-4799-3169-9
FARRONI L (2012). Relationship between figurative codes and new technologies in the 19th century: knowledge of the past in order to design future strategies. In: X International Forum Le Vie dei Mercanti Less/More Architecture, Design, Landscape Aversa, Capri 31st May, 1st-2nd June 2012 . NAPOLI: La scuola di Pitagora, ISBN: 978-88-6542-128-4 FARRONI L (2012). Ricerca e sperimentazione per la teorizzazione della Rappresentazione e del Rilievo. L’Identità innata della disciplina della rappresentazione. In: Atti del XXXIV Convegno dei Docenti della Rappresentazione. UID. Elogio della teoria: identità delle discipline della rappresentazione e del rilievo. Roma :Gangemi Editore , ISBN: 978-88492-2519-8 FARRONI L (2011). Evoluzione del disegno di progetto: dall’unitarietà dell’arte di costruire dell’Ottocento alle esperienze contemporanee. In: Abitare il futuro. Il disegno delle trasformazioni. NAPOLI:CLEAN, ISBN: 978-88-8497-215-6, Napoli, Facoltà di Ingegneria, Aula Leopoldo Massimilia, 1-2 dicembre 2011 PURINI F. (1996). UNA LEZIONE SUL DISEGNO, GANGEMI EDITORE PURINI F., ALBIERO R., TRONCHIN V. (2004) A CURA DI. CITTÀ E LUOGHI. MATERIALI PER LA CITTÀ RIMOSSA, GANGEMI EDITORE SALERNO R. (2011). TEORIE E TECNICHE DELLA RAPPRESENTAZIONE CONTEMPORANEA, MAGGIOLI EDITORE UNALI M., SACCHI L. (2003), A CURA DI. ARCHITETTURA E CULTURA DIGITALE, SKIRA VALENTI G.M. (2010). DE.FORMAR. ARE , DESIGNPRESS During the course we will be given specific books according to the depth chosen
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From 01/10/2015 to 20/12/2015 |
Delivery mode
Evaluation methods
A project evaluation
the course is the first year of the degree in architectural design, has the intent to participate, through the representation of the architecture and environmental development of the following skills: perceiving and using the representation as exploration and verification of the idea of project and its realization by interacting with the surrounding environment; use different techniques and different tools of representation depending on the theoretical reflections on the architectural questions prerequisite knowledge systems and the representation of two-dimensional digital drawing topics the digital drawing as a form of exploration and verification of two and three dimensional spatial configurations; exploration and digital reconstruction of buildings and / or architectural elements; mapping and modeling of urban parts affected by new building organisms. test exercises with ongoing development and tables to be submitted at exame
21002033-2 |
Type of certificate
Profit certificate
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Type of Activity
Related or supplementary learning activities
it'is included in A part
(reference books)
AAVV, Architettura e rappresentazione. Alcune questioni, Kappa ed. 2015, a cura di Ghisi Grütter. Ghisi Grütter, Disegno e immagine. Tra comunicazione e rappresentazione, Kappa ed. 2006. AAVV, Immagine e comunicazone, CD-ROM DiPsa 2001 nel sito del corso.
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From 01/10/2015 to 20/12/2015 |
Delivery mode
Evaluation methods
A project evaluation
the course is the first year of the degree in architectural design, has the intent to participate, through the representation of the architecture and environmental development of the following skills: perceiving and using the representation as exploration and verification of the idea of project and its realization by interacting with the surrounding environment; use different techniques and different tools of representation depending on the theoretical reflections on the architectural questions prerequisite knowledge systems and the representation of two-dimensional digital drawing topics the digital drawing as a form of exploration and verification of two and three dimensional spatial configurations; exploration and digital reconstruction of buildings and / or architectural elements; mapping and modeling of urban parts affected by new building organisms. test exercises with ongoing development and tables to be submitted at exame
(reference books)
FARRONI L. (2013) Architecture and representation: digital surveying of Pavilion 19 of the former Slaughterhouse (Ex Mattatoio) of Rome. In: ATTI DigitalHeritage2013 International Congress . DigitalHeritage2013. Marsiglia, 28 ottobre -1 novembre 2013 IEEE Catalog Number: CFP1308W-USB ISBN: 978-1-4799-3169-9
FARRONI L (2012). Relationship between figurative codes and new technologies in the 19th century: knowledge of the past in order to design future strategies. In: X International Forum Le Vie dei Mercanti Less/More Architecture, Design, Landscape Aversa, Capri 31st May, 1st-2nd June 2012 . NAPOLI: La scuola di Pitagora, ISBN: 978-88-6542-128-4 FARRONI L (2012). Ricerca e sperimentazione per la teorizzazione della Rappresentazione e del Rilievo. L’Identità innata della disciplina della rappresentazione. In: Atti del XXXIV Convegno dei Docenti della Rappresentazione. UID. Elogio della teoria: identità delle discipline della rappresentazione e del rilievo. Roma :Gangemi Editore , ISBN: 978-88492-2519-8 FARRONI L (2011). Evoluzione del disegno di progetto: dall’unitarietà dell’arte di costruire dell’Ottocento alle esperienze contemporanee. In: Abitare il futuro. Il disegno delle trasformazioni. NAPOLI:CLEAN, ISBN: 978-88-8497-215-6, Napoli, Facoltà di Ingegneria, Aula Leopoldo Massimilia, 1-2 dicembre 2011 PURINI F. (1996). UNA LEZIONE SUL DISEGNO, GANGEMI EDITORE PURINI F., ALBIERO R., TRONCHIN V. (2004) A CURA DI. CITTÀ E LUOGHI. MATERIALI PER LA CITTÀ RIMOSSA, GANGEMI EDITORE SALERNO R. (2011). TEORIE E TECNICHE DELLA RAPPRESENTAZIONE CONTEMPORANEA, MAGGIOLI EDITORE UNALI M., SACCHI L. (2003), A CURA DI. ARCHITETTURA E CULTURA DIGITALE, SKIRA VALENTI G.M. (2010). DE.FORMAR. ARE , DESIGNPRESS During the course we will be given specific books according to the depth chosen
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From 01/10/2015 to 20/12/2015 |
Delivery mode
Evaluation methods
A project evaluation