Unit 1 – 36 hours - 6 cfu. Demography, social classes, migrations (XVIII-XX cent.). The unit is divided in two parts. The first, introductory, intends to reconstruct the broad lines of the changes that, during the Twentieth Century, have characterized the historiography and, in particular, social history. The second part is much broader and it aims to provide, moving frequently from the late Modern Age and referring to the West Europe, an overview of the transformation processes that have shaped contemporary society, focusing especially on the demography, the family, the evolution of social structures, the migrations of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Century.
(reference books)
Unit 1 – 36 hours - 6 CFU. Demography, social classes, migrations (XVIII-XX cent.). - P. Macry, La società contemporanea. Una introduzione storica, il Mulino, Bologna 1995 (in particular chapters I, II, III, IV, VII e VIII). - M. Malatesta, Le aristocrazie terriere nell’Europa contemporanea, Laterza, Roma-Bari 1999. - P. Corti, Storia delle migrazioni internazionali, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2003. - P. Sorcinelli, Viaggio nella storia sociale, Bruno Mondadori, Milano 2009 (in particular chapters 1, 2, 3, 6, 7 e 10)