The course is divided into two parts: the first (A) is set to lectures and site inspections. It addresses the theme of the museum from an historical and critical perspective. It will cover from the firsts private collections to the declination, in the eighteenth-century, of museum as a public place; from the creation of museums in the Nineteenth-century European capitals, to some significant contemporary display experiences. The transformations of the exhibitions and museums culture will be analyzed by reading forms and contents as a result of the meeting between architecture and art history, conservation and critics. Specific seminars will be dedicated to the history of the relationship between private collections, museums and territorial context in Rome between the fifteenth and the nineteenth century, so as the Italian museum culture of the first half of the twentieth century. The second part (B) is the Laboratory of Museology: here students have the aim is to develop a design concept for the display of a section of the Museum of Rome - Palazzo Braschi. This part of the course will include laboratory meetings, conferences of art historians, museum officials, architects and restorers. The aim is to make available to the students aspects connected to the point of view of art history, architecture, art techniques and conservation, aspects that are to be taken into account in preparing the exhibition. Theme of the Laboratory of Museology for the academic year 2015-2016: design concept for the display of plaster casts of Pietro Tenerani at the Museum of Rome - Palazzo Braschi.
(reference books)
Bibliografia: M.T. Fiorio, Il museo nella storia. Dallo studiolo alla raccolta pubblica, Mondadori, Milano-Torino 2011.
Parte A: durante il corso verrà indicata una bibliografia di riferimento per i temi trattati nelle lezioni frontali e nei sopraluoghi. Parte B) Verrà consegnato un DOSSIER contenente letture critiche e materiali documentari utili alla realizzazione dell’idea progettuale che, assieme alla frequenza alle conferenze, saranno parte integrante del programma d’esame.
Ai non frequentanti verrà indicato un testo integrativo.