Plane curves. Equation of a plane. Point-Plane distance. Plane sections. Parametric Curves in R². Arc length and curvature. Examples using Mathematica software: plot, symbolic and numerical commands. Modeling a curve profile of an image. Polar coordinates. Rigid transformations: translations, rotations and reflexions. Rotation and reflexion matrices. Curves defined by their curvature. Space curves. Parametric Curves in R³. Curvature and torsion. Frenet frame: tangent, normal and binormal vectors. Rigid transformations in R³. Rotation and reflexion matrices. Curves on surfaces. Cylindrical and spherical coordinates. Surfaces. Parametric surfaces in R³. Jacobian matrix. The gradient. Two variable function plot. Surface intersections. Domes and vaults. Tubes, conic and cylindric surfaces.
Modeling a surface from an architectural example. Point cloud-Surface distance.
(reference books)
Alfred Gray, E. Abbena, S. Salamon Modern Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces with Mathematica, Third Edition Chapman & Hall/CRC (2006))
M. Abate, F. Tovena, Curves and Surfaces, Springer (2012)
Canciani M., Falcolini C., Saccone, M., Spadafora G.: From point clouds to architectural models: algorithms for shape reconstruction, 2013.